A lecherous goat, Pentecostals on the radio, a clutter of in-bred cats, phone calls from death row, and Daddy’s burnpile.
Experience a delicious and magical stew of stories about growing up in Clay County, Florida - written by Lucy Alibar, the Oscar-nominated screenwriter of Beasts of the Southern Wild. Terrific New Theatre is thrilled to be able to bring her vivid and unforgettable Southern childhood to fantastical life in this Alabama premiere.
DECEMBER 5 ~ 9, 2018
Wednesday, 12/5 at 7:30pm
Thursday, 12/6 at 7:30pm
Friday, 12/7 at 8:00pm
Saturday, 12/8 at 8:00pm
SUNDAY, 12/9 at 2:30pm

Written By: Lucy Alibar
Directed By: Tam DeBolt
Scenic Design
Kevin Thomas
Kenneth Patterson
Lighting Design
Scott Littleton

This December's presentation is the THIRD installment in what we hope to grow into a Southeast, play writing competition. Every year TNT's “WRITTEN IN THE SOUTH” Series plans to feature the works of new Southern playwrights, both published and unpublished. Our goal is to provide a venue for developing playwrights to showcase their work and an opportunity for area actors, directors, and students to collaborate and interact directly with the authors during the production period. “WRITTEN IN THE SOUTH” also promises to give Birmingham audiences the first look at what is being created by the talented artists in this part of the country.
WITS #1: December 2016
World Premiere of Audrey Cefaly’s “Love Is A Blue Tick Hound”...a perfect way to kickoff this exciting annual event.
WITS #2: December 2017
Alabama premiere of Daryl Lisa Fazio's "Split In Three", a thrilling trip back into 1969 Mississippi.
NOTE: This show is NOT part of the TNT regular, Season Ticket package.
Tickets are $25.
THIS PRODUCTION is brought to you by generous grants from:
The Robert R. Meyer Foundation and the Alabama Arts Alliance
Without them, this presentation would not be possible.